Tuesday, December 11, 2007

P3 Day 5

Hey all!

This is just a quick post to check in!

My weekend away was great! Thanks to everyone and your well wishes, I really appreciate it!

I was NOT a good girl this weekend. It's so weird because I'm usually harder on myself than I could ever be on anyone else, but this weekend I threw all the rules to the wayside (or weighside, if you prefer! ha!). I think that after 2 months of being completely consumed by this diet, I just needed a mental break. I didn't eat in excess of anything, but I ate a little of EVERYTHING.

I don't know how much I am over, because as soon as the Hcg was completely out of my system, TOM decided to make an appearance! I did a steak day yesterday, and I'm going to do an "Atkin's induction" type diet until TOM is gone and I have a better understanding of where I am at. I am guessing that I am about 3 pounds over LDW. The steak day doesn't appear to have done anything.. but then I haven't *gone* yet. Time for some magnesium!

I'll keep you all posted as to how this goes. Hopefully, very soon, I'll be back to my last dose weight, and I can continue on my journey!

I'll try to catch up with everyone later. I hope you are all doing well!!

Cheryl :)


Crystal Lee said...

Glad you had fun this weekend and you made it back safely. Keep us posted on your loss....I am curious at to how much you did gain. I am sure not much. I remember I was fluxing like crazy my first few days of P3. :P
It finally settled down after 3 weeks but then it was right back to P2. :D

Talk to you soon!

Amy's Blog said...

So glad to see you had a GREAT birthday weekend!!! If you didn't eat anything too much, then you were being reasonable - one of the measures of success! It's great that you can estimate your LIW position without needing to see the scale number! I understand what that feels like. Sounds like your diet plan is going great - which is the best measure of SUCCESS!! Woo HOO for you Cheryl!

BizBuzz said...

I so totally missed you! I am so glad your back and among the bloggers!

Reasonableness is the KEY - I wonder if you did like I did Cheryl? Did you taste something, decide if it was the exact thing you wanted, and then if it was you finished it, if it wasn't you moved on? That is what I did in NOLA - if it wasn't everything I dreamed it SHOULD be, I didn't bother. It had to be THAT good for me to continue eating it.

Anyhoo, looking forward to more updates!

Wendy said...

Hello Birthday girl!! Don't get too wrapped up about fall of the weighgon... (o: he he

Thank you for adding the lame-o!!

Burcu J said...

Hello Lady,
I am happy that you got a good weekend.. You derserved a little treat. Keep us posted.. I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS UR B.DAY.. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY B.DAY TO YOU ;)

BizBuzz said...

Just passing thru...

gpcmom3 said...

Happy B'day Cheryl! I had the same weekend! TOM came which was a pain in the butt. I was spinning a bit with not knowing what to eat and being in a place with every "bad" greasy, sweet food known to humankind. But it was pretty cool, very little of it appealed to me so that was good.

I think your idea is a reasonable one. Dr. S as the Rule, The Atkins thing as a guideline and then throw in a bit of what we know from the other's blogs who have gone before us! I am just staying far away from processed sugars, starches, breads etc.... of any kinds. I've got my little Netrition stash and so I'm hopefully off to the races. The fats thing still scares me but I guess the scale will tell in the AM.
