Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day 29 VLCD

Round 1
Date started – October 8th, 2007
Starting Weight – 267 lbs
Weight today – 243.5 lbs
Weight loss today – 0.5 lbs
Weight loss yesterday – 2 lbs
Weight loss since beginning – 23.5

I guess hoping for 2 big losses in a row was a bit much to ask! Ah well, back to the 0.5's! I did everything exactly the same as yesterday, just to see what that would yeild. The only thing I changed was that I jumped on my mini trampoline for about 15 - 20 minutes. Nothing strenuous! I suffer from insomnia, and I thought maybe the extra little exercise would help me sleep... oh, that's the other thing that was different. I didn't fall asleep until 2:30 AM! I really think I don't lose if I don't fall asleep before midnight. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow!

Well, I don't have much to report, today! Wednesdays are my busy/crazy days. I always feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done.

I hope you all are having a great day! If you didn't see my reply to ALL the comments yesterday, let me say it again THANK YOU!! Your support is really getting me through this. I am really enjoying everyone's blogs, and I cheer just as much for you as I do for myself when you have a good day! What a wonderful group of women I've found. I feel truly blessed.

Ok, off to read blogs!

Cheryl :)


beachbrights said...

Your doing great! Check out Amy's blog...she has great links on articles about sleep & weight loss BUT you probably have read them all!

What is it now? Nine more days? Hang in there and try to lose all you can!

I'm already looking forward to January (well, not really, YET!).


beachbrights said...

I meant "you're" and not "your doing great". I think the VLCD is starving my brain cells!

Amy's Blog said...

Congratulations on your half pound! A half pound is really good! Those rebounders are supposed to be excellent for so many things... lymph glands, bone remodeling, and of course, the cardiovascular system. WHEE! I really love those big trampolines, as I can get higher. I'm rather uncoordinated & am not sure that my neck safe if I jump on a little one.

I'm sorry you aren't sleeping. I don't mean to advocate my beliefs too much, but I strongly believe in vitamins & minerals. For instance, Vit D is a pre-hormone. Vit D is a critical element that the body must have to make other hormones. Including melatonin. ( Other ideas are calcium & magnesium. You might even try a bath of Epsom salt (magnesium). Another idea is Enzymatic Therapy's Fatigued to Fantastic... it's an herbal remedy that works very well (no groggies). If you are inclined, I would first try Vit D. Unless you live below Georgia... in which case I would then get a half hour of sun every day. Trudeau mentioned this, & he's right. After that, I would try mag/cal. Also, I would not shy away from occasional sleep aid. I didn't mean this to be a soap box! I hope sleep is easier tonight.

I know what you mean about not enough hours in the day. If only the world would stop for a few hours so I can catch up.

I'll be looking for your

cherylk said...

LOL cb, don't worry about the typos! It happens to all of us. When I first started my blog (oh so long ago hehe ;) ) I used to proof-read my post over and over. Now I post, see a typo and think "Ah, they know what I mean!" I'm getting lazy!!

I think it is 9 days! I'm kinda sad that I didn't do better, but I'm glad to be lighter.

You can enjoy your NY trip before you think of January. I know I would! :)

Amy, I am a big believer in vitamins, too. I took Vit D, Magnesium and calcium, anti-oxidants, Omega 3's.. etc. I stopped them all when I went on this protocol. (except the occasional magnesium. I suffer from restless leg syndrome, too!)

I was so scared that they'd inhibit my weight loss. Maybe I should start taking the D again. I live in Canada, and now that the cold weather is arriving, I won't be outside much at all.

I'll give it a try, thanks! Oh, and I do have the prescription sleep aids, but they make me feel icky! I like the idea of the Epsom salt baths. I love a nice hot bath. And I'll look for the. "Fatigued to Fantastic" (what a great name!). I'm always open to suggestion.

Thanks for all your help :)

BizBuzz said...

Sleep, boy can I relate! OMG! I just suck it up and take a benedryl, helps every time. Look at me, I was up at 3:18 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I am NOT one to just be in the bed, so what do I do??? Catch up on blogs! LOL

You are doing so well! Perseverance truly pays off.

Someone describe for me RLS - JPS my friend has been complaining of tingling in her legs since coming off this round of P2 - every time she gets up after sitting or laying down. Does this sound like RLS???

Interesting, magnesium is good for more things that just 'bathroom' issues. You girls are a wealth of information!

Anonymous said...

I'd take a half pound loss. I love rebounders -- if you did it for as long as you say, ii would bet that you are retaining a bit of water -- and tomorrow's loss will be bigger. You go girl!