Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day 42 VLCD - I need some advice!

Round 1
Date started – October 8th, 2007
Starting Weight – 267 lbs
Weight today – 237 lbs
Weight loss today – 0 lbs
Weight loss yesterday – 1 lb
Weight loss since beginning – 30 lbs

Ok, I think my Hcg has lost it's potency. I've been waking up hungry the past couple of days for the first time in weeks. Hubby left it out on the counter for a a few hours one day last week, and I was worried this would happen.

My dilemma is this... I think I want to go another 10 days! I never ever want to see 240 again. That number causes me terrible anxiety for some reason. I think 240 was the weight I reached when I just "gave up". I need to get as far from that number as I can. Does that sound silly? Plus, I found out that I will not be starting the next round on Jan 2nd as originally planned, because TOM comes that day. I will be starting on the 6th, now, so I have a few more days to play with.

What do you guys think? If I mix up another batch and go the next 10 days, will I lose anymore? Or will I just be beating my head against the wall? I think psychologically, another 10 days is nothing. I could do it with my eyes closed at this point.. but I don't want to risk immunity (which supposedly you don't get with sublingual) and I don't want to spend the next 10 days gaining and losing the same pound. I'm so torn what to do! I haven't taken my dose today, yet, because if I'm going to go another 10 days, then I want to start a fresh package. I'm also thinking about upping my dose to 333 IU a day, instead of the 250 IU I am doing now. Just an experiment, really!

Please help!!



Anonymous said...

I'd definitley up the dose -- that's the Releana dose -- and I'd go for it. If it's that easy for you, what the heck!

cherylk said...

I love you, Lili! Thank you for replying so fast. You are such a sweetie! :) I think I might go for it! :)

gpcmom3 said...

Hi Cheryl! How'd you like some advice from sommeone who doesn't kow what they're talking about? :)

I would go for it as well. For some reason it just sounds right to me. Especially considering the anxiety you feel about the number 240. My thought was also, if its a no-brainer for you as far as psychologically; then what could it hurt? But that is where my ignorance kicks in; I don't know that much about immunity etc.....

I am so in awe of you for losing 30 pounds. That is incredible. As I go through all of this I realize that is a great deal of weight to lose and it is no easy thing. I will be interested in how upping the dose does for you!

Take Care!


cherylk said...

LOL Brooke, I'll take any advice I can get!! Thank you, I second guess myself so much, that it's good to have people back me up! I'm still "new", too!

And thanks for the kudos on the 30 lbs lost, too!

BizBuzz said...

Ok, let me tell you what I did my first round. I went 8 weeks. My first 6 weeks were on shots from NHW, and my 5th and 6th week were bummer weeks in weight loss. I changed to sublingual for the last two weeks and lost an additional 7 pounds. I am glad I did it. I say GO for it!!!

If you feel you can handle the extra time, then just do it Cheryl - it's all about the mind anyway. Your body will tell you when you have had enough. Believe me when I tell you MIND did!

Glad to be making the rounds again!

beachbrights said...

GO FOR IT! I'll wait for you in Jan. We'll start P2 together on the 6th...it will be fun!

Say goodbye to 240 FOREVER!!!!

Crystal Lee said...

YUp girlie girl I would do it too! :D Dont struggle like I have with the 200s vs 300s. I fluctuate so badly I am bouncing all over the place! LOL I got back up to 300 the other night and I cried. :( BUT again my water weight has been hellish this month.

Its all about you too. You have to remember that. If you feel, mentally, that it will benefit you to make sure you do not see 240s again then do so. I start my injections again tomorrow I am going to caress my shot in an unnatrual way. LOL!!! I am sooo ready to lose again! :P Sorry I know TMI. I enjoy being silly when possible. :D

I am ready for the HCG to minimize my pain again. My back and leg pain were non existant during my injections on P2 last round. Now they are back FULL FORCE. YIKES!

Hugs girl and we are all so proud of you. :D


Wendy said...

Here here! I too say if you can do it.... YOU CAN DO EET!!!! The numbers can really reek havoc on the brain. If you can push thru and loose just a few precious pounds more, do it. I am so proud of you and your fab weight LOSS!!!

Burcu J said...

I think you should up the dose also. I think everybody goes for 333 IU a day. You already have been doing lower than that. You can try with higher dose another 10 days and see whats going to happen. I am sure it will work. Catch you online later on. Keep your sprit up don't worry too much. :)

cherylk said...

Have I mentioned that you guys totally rock?! I was so sure I'd get a bunch of replies saying, "Give your body a break. Maybe you're asking for too much".. etc! But you didn't! You said "Go for it!!" I love you guys :)

Biz, I was actually thinking of you when I thought about extending. I thought I remembered you extending with the sublingual, and so I thought "why not?". I'd rather lose the weight than have the food any day. I'm just so in the mindset for this. 10 more days won't kill me!

cb I'm so looking forward to doing this with you again in January!! You don't have to wait for me, if you don't want to. I can start a few days after! I'm going to load on the last weekend of "Christmas Break" I think. If you want to start together, that would be great, too!! :)

Oh Crystal, only you can make me sad and laugh all in the same post!! I'm sorry you were sad about the gain, but I'm glad you're restarting!! I've never seen anyone lose like you can, and I think you're going to be happier to see that scale moving again. That really sucks about the water weight. You should get your thyroid checked! Maybe it's under control on the diet (hence the incredible weight loss) but maybe it goes sluggish again when you go off? I think you can even send away for the tests. Amy would know better than me!

Thank you Wendy! Your support means so much to me! I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your photos!!!

B, you're one of the reasons I'm continuing, too. Now that I've got you to chat to about it, it's easier! It's good to have a friend to do it with :)

Amy's Blog said...

I agree with everyone else here. You have to consider when you will be able to fit your P2 in.

This is not a silly question. I know what it's like to want to keep on going! I would have gone longer myself, except that I had too many social functions in November.