Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 35 VLCD - Take that water weight!

Round 1
Date started – October 8th, 2007
Starting Weight – 267 lbs
Weight today – 241 lbs
Weight loss today – 1.5 lbs
Weight loss yesterday – +2
Weight loss since beginning – 26 lbs

Almost back to where I was! Hopefully in the next few days I'll have dipped into the 230s. That would make me ecstatic! I drank 4 liters of water yesterday, so I think I got a lot of the water weight "pushed out".

Hubby is finished taking hcg as of today! He weighed 182 lbs 23 days ago, and now he weighs 159.8 lbs (his goal was 160). That is over 22 lbs in 21 VLCD days! I'm so proud of him. His clothes are falling off, so I told him that enough was enough! hehe He said, "I can't believe losing weight was this easy. Why doesn't everyone do this?" I just laughed and said that maybe that day is coming. Wouldn't that be amazing... if every overweight person found out about this diet, and commited to it? That would be the end of the obesity epidemic! I guess it will be up to us to spread the word, and hopefully be living proof that it works!

My hubby was originally going to go to until I finished (originally this Friday), but now that he's done early, I'm going to go until the bottle is empty. I can't bear to throw out the hcg. I think we were originally going to be tossing out a little bit, because I had mixed one batch on the heavy side.. but I really don't want to. I was going to stop, so that by my birthday I'd be on P4. I'll be on P3 if I continue and that's ok with me. I figure the best present I can give myself is the gift of health. I created a cheesecake recipe years ago (Atkin's friendly) that we all love and that will be my birthday cake this year!

Now about last night.. sounds ominous, doesn't it? The cravings were insane. I think for about an hour I listed every food I wanted to eat until hubby told me to "Shut up, already!!" hehe. I think I took some glee in torturing him, just a tiny bit! I wanted chocolate soooo bad, and I knew my daughter still had chocolate from Halloween. The temptation to cheat was intense! All I could think about were those mini chocolate bars and how they'd make the migraine go away... BUT I am proud to say, I didn't cheat. I did however compromise. I've been using cocoa as a spice in some of my cooking (my chili recipe calls for cocoa) and I carefully watched to see if it affected me, and it didn't. In fact, on the days after, I usually had a higher loss. Anyway, I decided to make "legal" chocolate sauce for my strawberries. I made these little pots of warm chocolate sauce and hubby and I had "chocolate fondue" for our dessert last night! He ate every last drop, licked the pan, the spatula, and told me over and over again that he loved me... did I know that I loved him... that I was a genius, etc! hahaha It was hilarious, and it satisfied my craving! I was terrified to step on the scale today, because that was the most cocoa I had eaten in one sitting (about a tablespoon's worth), but I lost! Now, I don't think I'll do this every night... although I would! .. but it helped in a pinch.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for replying to my post yesterday. I'll just answer those posts here! I'm what my dad calls a "bleeding heart" because I have so much empathy for the pain of others. I think it's what makes me a good writer. I can take a moment and step into other people's shoes and *feel* what they are feeling. I think it also makes me a better person, because no one likes to be hurt! I do tend to say what I feel, whether or not it's "popular" and I do think it's important to speak up for what you believe in. Thank you for your support, it means a lot.

CB, your comment was the first one, and you really touched me. Thank you for your kind words! You are a wonderful person! :)

Crystal, thank you for having the courage to post your feelings on the subject on the board itself. It takes courage to go against the grain, and I am proud of you!

B, thank you for taking the time to post! It's encouraging that so many of my blogging friends feel the same way!

Amy, I think that's so funny that you found out about Kevin's book AFTER you were on the protocol! That's the best way in my opinion!! I can tell you are really empathetic, too. We are all here to fight the "obese demon" (<-- I like that!), I couldn't have put it better myself!

Lili and Biz, I greatly respect both of you, and you have helped me so many times. I am sorry to hear that David has hurt you both. Perhaps there is some Karmic balance at play, I don't know. I just can't help but wonder if we hurt our own Karma by slinging mud. What goes around comes around, after all. Lili, I never noticed your post about the trunks, it was the "gross" comments and the laughter that I thought was particularily hurtful.. no matter what they say to excuse themselves. I would like to hear the back story, but there is no rush!

My favourite comment on the subject was from BohemianBlue. Her words are still resonating with me (I think she's a bit of a writer, too, perhaps!) she said, "Everyone wants to be right. No one knows how to be humble anymore. We all have this "as a matter of fact" mentality." Right on the nose, BB. I loved your comment and I wish more people thought as you did. Maybe someday we can share our before and after photos and pat each other on the back for all our hard work! :)

And last but not least, Wendy! Wendy, you make me smile. You just have a smile in your typing, even when you feel like crap! I love to read your blog, and I'm glad you are having such success! And I am feeling much better, thank you!!

Ok, that's all I'll say on the subject, I'll officially put it to bed.. back to the weight loss! Come on 230s!! Thanks again, all. This blog has saved my life, as have all of you. I am almost out of the "morbidly obese" BMI where I face all kinds of health issues. I hope you realize how much a part of my success all of you are!!

{{{{{{{BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE}}}}}}}

Cheryl :)


Oh my gosh, I forgot Amie!! I don't know how I forgot you, you are the first blog I read every day! LOL I think having 2 Amie/Amy's throws me off sometimes! Anyway.. thank you, too, Amie. I love your attitude in life. I love how you don't take any crap from anyone, and still manage to keep this soft sweet side to you. I loved your reply to my post, so thank you!


Amie said...

Amen, sister.

I am so happy that you are dropping your BMI lower and probably lengthening your time with us here on Earth .. I think sometimes in the rush to 'look good' (I'm talking to myself here) that we forget sometimes how unhealthy it is for your body to carry around all that excess weight. It's hard on our heart, our joints, on EVERYTHING! Good for you, sweetie - thank God for those willing to speak their minds, no matter WHAT other ppl think of it.

cherylk said...

LOL you must be psychic Amie! I was amending my post to thank you for your comment on yesterday's post, and I see that you were writing me at the same time! That's cool :)

That BMI is such a scary number for me. When it said I had the risk of DEATH, I think that scared me so much that I can't fail at this. Don't get me wrong.. I want to look good, too!

I hope you know that you're a big part of my success. So many times I wish we could all just go for coffee or something. I wish I had friends like you guys here :)

BohemianBlue said...

Wow, thanks. It means a lot to me to hear someone say my words resonated with them. I am truly humbled by that.

I hear ya on the BMI thing. For years I've been straddling the fine line between obese and morbidly obese. Now it's only a matter of time before I can say I'm no longer obese. For me that is the 165 pound mark. I can't even fathom the notion of my weight starting with "1". Wouldn't that be somethin'.

Burcu J said...

Thank you for your post. I'm so happy that your BMI going lower.I am so excited. If I don't get it in 2 days, I am gonna have to wait another week to start. :( Thanks for checking up on me. Keep up the great work. :)

Amy's Blog said...

Congratulations on a fantastic loss. I know what you mean about not wanting to throw out any hcg. I still have left over hcg in my fridge ... probably no good any more, but hard to throw this out! That's wonderful you got through the cravings last night. When those times hit, it's HARD when you know there's candy in the house. Your hubby sounds like the sweetest dessert around!

cherylk said...

Hey BB, don't be surprised that your words stuck with you, you are a good writer. I love your blog!

Oh, and I'm not "morbidly obese" anymore, I'm just "severely obese".. I feel much better lol I dream of the day I'm in the 100's. It actually seems possible now. You're not all that far, you'll get there, soon!

B, I hope your hcg comes!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!

Amy, I can't throw out my hcg.. even though I am so sick of this diet! hehe It would be like throwing pounds down the sink for me. I can tough out a few more days! And thanks, hubby is a sweetie.. most of the time. ;)

cherylk said...

er BB, that was supposed to be "your words stuck with ME" .. I need sleep ...