Saturday, November 17, 2007

Day 39 VLCD - Another one bites the dust!

Round 1
Date started – October 8th, 2007
Starting Weight – 267 lbs
Weight today – 237 lbs
Weight loss today – 1 lb
Weight loss yesterday – 1.5 lbs
Weight loss since beginning – 30 lbs

I made my 30 lb goal!! Yay!! Thanks so much to everyone who has continued to support me. Thank you for sharing all your experiences.. good and bad! And especially thank you for sharing your knowledge. Every time I wanted to freak out about the scale (and there were a few times), I just remembered something one of you said, and it helped more than I can say!

Amy, I want to say a special thank you, to you. I was so concerned about doing the protocol "right" that I forgot to listen to my own body. Since I've been reading your posts and advice about vitamins, I started up my vitamin regime again. I've been losing steadily ever since!! So thank you for sharing your vast knowledge. I was so discouraged, and now I'm so happy!

Ok, now just pray for me that the scale either stays the same tomorrow, or goes down! I really want to keep my 30 lbs off! I think I'm "done" on Tuesday (taking the Hcg, that is), so if I can even lose a little more.. that would be fantastic!

Have a great day, all!

Cheryl :)


Burcu J said...

You did a awsome job. I am sure scale will go down tomorrow not up,don't worry.. hope to catch you on yahoo later. enjoy the success..

Anonymous said...

You're taking vitamins during P2? Which ones? And they've helped the weight come off faster? Spill it, girl!

I had another really painful bladder episode this afternoon -- was nearly in tears. I took a full tablespoon of baking soda in a big glass of water, like yesterday, and laid down. It nearly got rid of all the pain! I think I may have a "spastic bladder" like your mom -- I am going to very sorrowfully give up my coffee for awhile.

Isn't there also an over-the-counter medication that you take for pain during bladder infections? Thanks again, oh goddess of good advice!

OK, enough about me. 30 lbs????? On sublingual???? That's really spectacular! Just think what you'll lose on your next round if you do injections....! (My friends' experiences suggest that sublingual is not quite as effective as injected. I could be wrong.) You shold be so proud!! Your body has really responded well to this protocol -- I have a feeling P3 will be a breeze for you. Just remember that your weight may fluctuate a bit until your body regains its equilibrium.

Have a good evening, Miss Skinny!

BohemianBlue said...

You must be relieved! 30 pounds is awesome! That's my goal too, and if I lose more it'll be bonus. I've been thinking about taking vitamins. So far I bought potassium in liquid form.

cherylk said...

Thanks B!! I'm not sure I'll make it onto Yahoo messenger tonight, as hubby is due home, soon! But I'll be on tomorrow :)

Lili, I answered your vitamin questions on my blog.. probably more than you wanted to know! :D

I'm sorry to hear your bladder isn't treating you well. I have a lot to say on that as well, but I'll comment on your blog so that I'm sure you'll see it! I always hate to tell coffee drinkers to give up their coffee, because I know they love it.. but really, all caffeine will make a spastic bladder worse, even caffeinated tea! I think my mom drink's decaf now, and VERY RARELY has a regular cup at Tim Horton's.

I really debated about the sublingual! My issue is that I have so many rounds ahead of me, I didn't want to develop immunity.. and I didn't want to be taking off months between rounds 3 and 4! When I joined the boards, Paula was posting a lot, and she was having such success doing sublingual that I decided to go for it... Now I'm wondering if I'd do better on shots! Plus, the researcher in me wants to try all three: SL, SQ and IM! (I'd have to work up to that.. hehe)

Thanks for the congrats! I'm pretty happy :D

BB, you are going to KILL that goal! Your rate of loss has been incredible! I haven't had to take potassium, yet. I'm lucky, I guess!

Wendy said...

YAY for you!!! 30 lbs what an achievement!! Congrats Cheryl~~

Crystal Lee said...

Hey that is wonderful news my dear! Now, if we can just work on me! Hey and thanks for your posting the vitamins. I need to start takings some myself...I stopped b/c of the protocol but have noticed if I am not injecting I HAVE to take them b/c I feel bad.
Selenium...mmm..I too have an underactive thyroid...but never been diagnosed. I have all of the symptoms including a low temp (97.13 this morning)

cherylk said...

Thanks Wendy and Crystal! I gained one back.. but I'm determined to not let it get me down! I have a couple of days to get it back off!!

Crystal, I think most overweight people have a sluggish thyroid. I'll scan that quiz in my book, and you can take it, if you want! If you have all the symptoms, taking the selenium might help! I think I had all but maybe 3 of the symptoms.